Fiction: Emancipation of Mallory [nBE] [Slow]

Aug 10, 2013
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This is a collab project between a couple RPers who discovered they suck at RP and would rather write stories.

Strong inspirations for this series are from the Abby series by blibber, Hiding M-Cups and 5 Things I Do Differently Due To Macromastia by BakersDozen101, Tess by cillcillian1182, and many others I hope to credit going forward.

This is a start, let's see where it goes. Feedback appreciated. Not an intense cranker, sorry.

Snow fell softly on Elizabeth Street. A green car rounded the turn, a long-suffering creature; the old Accord's patina was renewed to a faux-sheen by the melted snow, but the clacking from the engine suggested a sorely needed valve adjustment. Inside the cabin, coworkers chatted happily.

Mallory was grateful to be in the warm car. She had spent all afternoon receiving shipments, piled back-to-back due to the snowstorm earlier that week. All spare hands were needed at the truck dock, right to shift's end, and her gloves and earmuffs did little to keep the frigid air at bay. With the owner being a tad miserly with the heat, Mallory couldn't quite shake the chill, and was thankful to thaw on the commute home.

She gathered her effects. "Thanks again, Jay."

The car pulled away and Mallory walked up the crumbled stairs to the building. Decades from it's respectable origins, the tenement had become the essence of dilapidation. A ongoing, malignant marathon to the bottom was waging between the landlord and the tenants. Its occupants were always swinging between poverty and lower-class wage slavery, and the property teetered between foreclosure and being condemned. The elevator, of course, was out of order, and she wondered if it weren't for the better. Climbing four flights of stairs was superior to holding your breath against the stink of urine and vomit inside that sarcophagus.

She arrived at number 407, and fetched out her keys. The growing wave of anxiety squeezed her, and she took a deep breath to force it back.

*Maybe today will be different?*

Experience squashed that odd hope, and resigned, she diminished and plunged her key into the lock.

"You were dressed like THAT?"

The door barely had time to latch behind her before the gauntlet was thrown. She gathered her resolve and turned to face her nemesis in silence.

A dusty, bloated mass sat sunk-in to the tortured chair, like a grotesque, mutant gypsy moth. Staleness exuded from the lump, as it had for years, seeping into the thick carpet and curing it stiff. Smoke wafted up from the ashtray to a billious halo of reek above her head. This was Mavis, on edge from having nothing but daytime television, cigarettes, and box wine to stem away the looming horror of introspection.

She hated sparring with Mavis. Every God-damned day continued the eternal campaign of grief-mongering. It sometimes helped Mallory to dehumanize her, remove from Mavis the holy aura of "Mother" and regard her as some horrible mythical monster, some apex predator of negativity.

And, frankly, the metaphor worked. By depriving her of humanistic, caring, motherly qualities, Mallory could more accurately predict its behavior. The beast craved nourishment, and it demanded to be fed. She would either provide willingly, or have it extracted from her without her cooperation. It didn't matter; the beast would stop at nothing for a meal.

"I know you're a lazy, ungrateful slut, but this is just appalling. Disrespectful!"

"These are my work clothes, Mother," Mallory said flatly. It was important to remain well-grounded when sparring. The beast didn't care about logic, reason, or sanity, but it would feed on cognitive dissonance if given an inch.

The creature's proboscis foamed, and the cigarette danced madly. "Nothing's wrong with your ugly-ass uniform. It's what everybody can see you're wearing underneath."

The dander-golem heaved and flopped out of its cocoon. The carpet crunched beneath, a though a lawn crisp from frost.

*Like a sea of potato chips,* mused Mallory.

"You're wearing one of your old bras, popping out the damb thing like a harlot. Does your new one not cram 'em together good enough for the boys? Don't act like this is something snuck up on you over lunch, you went out the door like that this morning."

Discipline kept Mallory's mouth shut. Protesting would prove nothing, even if reality was on her side. Still, what was the dustbat on about today?

She looked briefly down at her chest and discovered a noticeable bulging in her shirt that was absolutely not supposed to be there. The crease of her flesh above the edge of the cups could have, with a deep breath, been upgraded from unmistakable to prominent. There was just enough happening to embarrass those caught staring, yet anyone red-blooded would have taken tally.

It appeared that today, reality was being fickle.

Mavis read the surprised reaction and pushed, "I got you that expensive, fancy bra you just HAD to have for your birthday, and now you're squishing yourself into your old one, why? Not enough attention?" She pulled a drag on her cigarette, prodding the caterpillars in her brain to do some thinking.

"I bought it with my own money," Mallory responded.

Half-enlightenment flickered, and Mavis' cracked lips smiled mockingly, "Oh, right, you have to HAND wash and HANG dry your new bra, because it's SPESH-SHUL. You got lazy and waited to the last minute. Didn't give it enough time to dry, didja?"

Mallory had only had to wash it once since she bought it, but that episode was fraught with drama. She knew her mother was just annoyed at having to witness the garment at all. Seeing it hang-dry in the laundry forced her to acknowledge its existence, and anything that reminded Mavis of the new lingerie seemed to ruffle her.

Mavis continued, "You coulda bought two, rotated 'em, but you aren't smart or sensible. I keep this roof over our heads and food on the table, all so you can go spending your money like a fool. I may as well paid for the thing, like I paid for everything else."

"I give you all the rent you ask for, and help with the groceries. Like we agreed." These were old maneuvers. If it weren't for the surprise under her shirt, Mallory might have been bored. She was still processing this new development. Maybe it wasn't anxiety squeezing her ribcage this whole time? She looked down again at the two globes chortling maliciously in her top, and thought about how she spent most the afternoon zipped into her coat. Maybe she missed noticing them in the morning due to lighting? She wasn't exactly a morning person. Either way, she looked a little frumpy, maybe a little slutty, she conceded. But was this all really something worth caring about?

*It's exactly the sort of thing Mother would care about,* Mallory concluded.

"Well, I carted your ass to that fancy lingerie boo-teek. Two hour drive! For A bra! One, uno, singular! $100 for a fitting and une brassière. Oh, how you beeeggged and pleeaaded, 'Mommy, can you puh-lease take me to Syracuse?'" Amplify to absurdity. Mavis the Mothra-kin knew that one tactic very well. If her target wasn't going to have a meltdown, then she would have to have one instead.

"If there was someplace closer, I would have gone there."

"I even offered to take you to Macy's. Coulda done my own shopping at the mall. But nooo! Macy's wasn't GOOD enough!" Mavis was getting closer.

*As if you ever have any money left over after your smokes,* thought Mallory. "Macy's shut down after New Year's, Mother."

"Then you waited too long!" Mavis accused.

"I wanted a proper fitting," Mallory was running out of facts to deflect with, and moving into the dangerous realm of opinions.

"And Macy's would've done that! Why the hell you needed one so bad is beyond me, you went how many years picking up whatever you needed at Wal-Mart." For Mavis, the offense was not that her advice was ignored, but that someone else had earned and saved up for nice things. It reminded her of her inability to forgo pleasure to invest in the future; instead hurling herself at substances and vapid entertainment in consumptive whoredom. "I tried to be firm, save you from throwing good money in the trash, but Gawd! How you...persisted!"

"You asked what I wanted for my birthday," said Mallory, "I asked for a ride."

"And they swindled you good, too!" continued Mavis, sensing the endgame, "Feeding right into your ego. Puffing you up on some vanity size, convincing you were a D-cup..." This had finally touched a nerve.

"Why the fuck do you care, Mom?! We've been over this!" Mallory snapped. Her stoic façade finally slipped, her exasperation showed weakness, and Mavis drove in.

"It's horseshit, is what it is! Trumping things up to make you feel like you need something special and unique. Just vanity and ego marketing to justify jacking up the price."

Mavis continued, she was on a roll. "That's what's wrong with you, what's always been wrong with you. You wanna be special, different, without working for it. First you were vegan, then you were kissing that one girl, then you were gluten intolerant. Now you think you're shaped special and need expensive support. Next you'll have scoliosis and need a corset. It's all about the attention, and don't think I can't see through it!"

Critical mass had been achieved, especially with the false accusation of being bisexual, but Mallory had too much on her mind to suffer this charade any longer. For these moments, she kept an arsenal of very potent one-offs that would accelerate without her having to fake (or actually have) a breakdown herself.

"Mom, have you been day-drinking again? We've been over this with the counselor; you don't have any self-control."

Nuclear launch codes activated. Klaxons wailed.
*In event of emergency, break glass and mash red button. Prayers to deities and ancestors advised.*

Mavis swelled with anger and roiled into a tirade. She ripped a book off the shelf and flung it. Mallory dodged most of it, just getting clipped on the hip, and made her escape to her room, locking herself in. She braced the door with a chair and crouched into the corner, listening to Mavis scream and shriek and beat on the door.

*Don't cry. Keep it together, don't fucking cry.*

Mavis usually gave up after three waves, but she was in particularly good form tonight, and really enjoying herself. Again and again, she assaulted the door like a moth trying to fuck a lightbulb. She allowed herself the pleasure of a fifth and final round of cussing and raging before she retired. Soon, the familiar squeak of the liquor cabinet and bottles clinking signaled to Mallory that their daily ritual was over, and Mavis would be passed out within the hour.

*Only 7PM. Maybe I'll have a good night after all.*

Slowly, she stood and took a moment to settle her heartrate. She then began to clean herself up, just enough for the sake of dignity, clearing the run mascara and smudged makeup. She couldn't wait to be free of this unhygienic home, wondering how much less paint she would use on her face if it wasn't practically protecting it. She had liked how she looked that morning, and she stepped back to take in her full getup and how much it had fallen.

Many styles and outfits had come and gone, all budget restrained, but she still managed to alter her looks drastically between them. It was one way she could still be in control of SOMETHING, in control of herself. This latest episode she had dyed her hair black, and kept it a short, androgynous cut. She painted freckles on and was contemplating a new piercing for a nose-stud. Band shirts and giant hoodies were preferred, paired with tight jeans that she was growing more fond of. Her backside and hips had filled in quite nicely once she had gotten back to a healthy weight, but there always lingered the fear of exploding into a blob like her mother and sister to throw her back into the arms of an eating disorder.

*It took them a couple kids to get there, chill out.*

For now, the cracked mirror showed the black pants and maroon polo of Dumac's Natural Health & Foods. The polo was struggling to conceal the signs of crowding of her chest. It was time to investigate. She pealed her uniform top off and surveyed the anomaly.

A luscious and potent sight was revealed. There proudly sat her breasts, confidently billowing up out of the cups of a beautiful seafoam demi with cream accents. Her quiet, slow gasp pushed her breasts bulging over the edge of the fabric. Turning to the side, she pulled her shoulders back, making them pop out even more.


The trance set in, and her motions became slow and dreamlike. Deliberately, the hooks were undone and the bra slid off. This time a new sensation of heaviness affronted her. She had felt the difference a bra makes in support, but this time, it felt far more substantial than she could ever remember, as her unsupported breasts felt their first significant challenge to their youthful perkiness. Her eyes opened wide, tenderly lifting up her left tit on the back of her right hand.

*Shit! Shit! Shit! It's really working!*

She discarded the bra to the floor. No, this was not the silver-with-peach longline bra that she had been fitted into six weeks ago. This new one arrived two weeks ago, and had been ordered a week before that.

Mallory cupped and squeezed her chest, assuring herself of their legitimacy, and luxuriating in their dense, firm heft. She mouthed a couple Wows and woke out of her trance to check the time.

*I'll give her an hour. Plenty of time for good work.*

In complete contrast to the distress not 15 minutes before, Mallory was humming and bouncing. Her room transformed from a pit of depression into a refuge of high energy, and the playlist pumping bliss through her cheap earbuds lofted her higher.

A large bottle was pulled out from under the nightstand, and she knocked over a few other glass bottles in her enthusiasm. Pills of all colors and sizes were stuffed behind that little door, but they all had one thing in common: Dumac's brand label was emblazoned on most every one.

Fenugreek. Wild Yam. Fennel. Crushed Bovine Ovary. Pueraria Mirifica. Hops. Saw Palmetto. All of these were in the multitude. Bottles of flaxseed, lavender, and other oils. A few tubs, including a medicinal-looking one of progesterone cream.

Mallory propped herself up in her bed and pulled out a notebook tucked between the bed and nightstand. Inside were journal records tracing back to October the previous year. Recipes and methods were written in the back, and a twice-a-day notes filled each page with a week's worth of logs. Temperature, weight, doses, sessions, times, and observations detailed each entry. She penned in below her latest:

Feb 20 AM
Temp Normal, 117.3 lbs, Rec. F @ 6:30AM, Pro. B @ 6:00AM 30 min w/flax.
Begin taking temp to time peak estrogen.

Feb 20 PM
Temp Normal, Rec. F @ 7:30PM, Pro. B @ 7:30PM 45 min w/flax.
Maintaining recipe F until temp shows ovulation, then switch to recipe C.
New size:

She paused and looked at the barely used bra laying on the floor. She didn't think she was going to need it so soon, and couldn't have predicted that it would be rendered useless so quickly. A self-satisfied smirk spread across her lips. She was in control. She could not be denied. She had overwhelmed that garment. Made it worthless to her. Beneath her. She had crushed it, dominated it, and discarded it in three weeks since she first ever thought about it.

To the casual observer, Mallory now posed a full, healthy, if average-appearing bust. The boobhounds would find her chest small for their tastes, a good handful; perhaps nice C-cups, nothing outrageous, yet delightful. But the connoisseur would recognize that Mallory was just on the cusp of...something substantial.

She finished the entry.

New size: 28DD > 28 DDD/E, 3 weeks

*Shame...* she thought as she allowed her smirk to explode into a goofy grin. The lamp was turned off, the music turned up, and the massaging began.
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I wasn't sure about this at first. You namechecked some good stories in the intro, so I was reassured that this would be going somewhere interesting, but the sequence with Mallory's mother felt a bit overwrought. The mother is clearly villainous and her dialogue and behavior make it clear how vile she is, but the narration getting in on the act ("the creature's proboscis foamed") felt like laying it on kind of thick.

I definitely understand that the point of the scene is to feel oppressed and grossed-out and trapped, because that's how Mallory feels, but after the first couple of exchanges between mother and daughter I felt like the point was made and was ready to move forward. Some of the digressions (the bit about Mavis's "consumptive whoredom") felt like side excursions away from the main point of the scene and could be safely lost.

However, once Mallory escapes into her room, everything snaps into place much more effectively. Again, I realize that that's part of the point - the scene is a literal escape from the awful relationship Mallory has with her mother - but it's also much more clearly what you and your writing partner wanted to be doing to begin with, and we can tell. You seem to be having much more fun with it and the writing becomes more assured and confident.

And this is the real test of the story, because obviously, given :waves hand: what kind of site this is, the erotic and body fantasy stuff is going to be the point of the story. And that part landed really well.

Lots of erotica stories have female characters who are the worst, middle-aged-dude-in-a-loveless-marriage's idea of a weak, victimized, histrionic woman. Breaking down into tears at the drop of a hat, picked on by everyone around them, etc. God, that shit is boring. And I was worried, given the intro, that that's where this is going.

Instead, you had this really cool twist of Mallory, once alone, suddenly becoming much more confident and assured, her victimhood revealed to be more of an act. Seeing a woman kind of come into her power like that is neat, and makes me excited to see where this goes. That's what really pushed me forward to read through to the end, and I'm glad I did, and I'm looking forward to more.

I like that you're beginning from this place of low-key, everyday plausibility - she's described as attractive, but with fairly normal (lol by our standards anyway) DD's maybe expanding into E's, rather than just starting off as some kind of massively topheavy fantasy figure (who nonetheless inexplicably leads a totally ordinary life and has a totally ordinary job and isn't noticed by anyone).

As a last little sidenote, I appreciate that you're describing Mallory in a way different from the usual literotica mold. She's not a blonde bimbo or a ditzy secretary or one of those cringey submissive Asian stereotypes, but someone who wears jeans and hoodies and has dark hair in an androgynous cut like actual women I actually know. Again, anything that makes a story not feel like it's written by some fifty-year-old man with type 2 diabetes and a shut-in lifestyle but is instead written by someone who has seen or interacted with a woman under 25 sometime since the turn of the century, is a good thing.
Chapter 2:


Mallory pulled her foot back from the tub. Her cold feet were not happy about being plunged into steaming hot water. She stepped in, hissing. The melting pleasure of relaxation started to seep through, and she lowered in. Bubbles overflowed the tub, steam rising from the surface where they had parted. She always liked bubble baths, though it made her feel childish.

*The bubbles keep the water hot,* she justified to herself.

Her new routine benefitted here, too. Massaging her breasts loosened them up and promoted bloodflow. Adding heat encouraged this further and opened her pores to drink in all the oil and creams. She used hot towels most of the time, but soaking in the bathtub was far superior.

Whether or not any of Mallory's methods were truly contributing anything substantial, she could not say. She was definitely getting bigger, and quickly. But she was also young and no longer underweight.

She shook the thought. No, her efforts were real; or her chest just coincidently decided to blow through five sizes in six months, with the last two in only six weeks. Her trial-and-error research of the past half-year had been rocky. There were so many variables: herbal combinations, dosages, timings. Any further research without experimentation would have required access to research journals or interviewing the old maids of remote villages.

There was a point where she just had to guess. She had YOLO'd herself into acne breakouts, painful menstruation, irregular periods. One trial threw her into a literal intense heat. She couldn't focus that day, any thought was interrupted by an urge to breed. Not just to fuck, but mate, a potent need not to merely procreate, but to be prolific.

A smile erupted, recalling working in produce that day. Mallory leaned her head back, eyes closed.


She admired her handiwork, surveying herself in the mirror. Her lush breasts were now sizable. Not huge, but definitely on the bigger side. She could just stretch her small hand wide enough to cup and squeeze one still.

Her eyes strayed to the scars of self-harm that marred her inner thighs. She would never ever do that again, but she carried the shame and anger with her still. It became another founding pillar of her obsession. She had ruined her legs, but she had elevated her breasts. They were firm, and bouncy, and pert. They were *happy* tits, the kind that put anyone into a good mood. They were marvelous, and she had cultivated them into beauties.

And they weren't done growing, oh no! There was still so much potential! They needed to be much bigger! So big that no-one would ever notice the marks on her legs; and if they did, they wouldn't care! Because of her huge tits!

And they would be luxuriantly soft, and perfect, and amazing, and wonderful. Hell, she would have cleavage so deep, she wouldn't be able to see her legs anyway! Gigantic mounds of ballooning tit-flesh, growing out of control, until they overflowed her arms and filled her lap and swallowed her thighs so no one would ever have to...

The pain of her teeth digging into her lips shook her from her revenge-fantasy against herself. She grabbed a tissue.

Was this all a bad idea? It was so much emotion poured into the most bizarre outlet. A fairly innocent outlet, all things considered, but with so much intense, bottled-up, unpacked baggage driving it that it couldn't be healthy. Did she actually for a moment fantasize about having armfuls of tits? Big enough to rest in her lap? Was it truly her desire, where she was headed if she didn't correct course?

Surely not! She hadn't even taken the opportunity to introduce her new assets to the world. She didn't feel ready to make their debut in public yet, she had even switched to a baggier shirt at her workplace. Though if her breasts kept swelling at their current pace, they would announce themselves soon enough.

*Wouldn't that be fun? To be the pink elephant in the room?* She contemplated herself in the mirror. She had an action, but not a goal.

*How big do I really want to be?* she wondered, and then focused. She crossed her arms and hunched her shoulders, cradling her breasts, squeezing them softly. Then she stood up straight in front of the mirror, pulling her shoulders and posture straight, and she crossed her arms across her stomach. Again, she imagined her breasts filling all the space to her arms, resting heavily on them, feeling their dense, soft warmth on the back of her forearms.

"I guess there's only one way to find out," Mallory shrugged aloud, and grabbed her bra. Her accelerating growth had pushed her to a bit of frugality. It was exciting for her to outgrow a bra, but her savings did not share the same excitement. To open her options, she decided to go looser in the band since her breasts were still keeping their perk, and settled on a plain white 30DDD(US).

She donned the bra, leaning over to scoop herself into the cups hastily, and pulled a shirt over her head. She got her head and arms through, and was about to work it down, when she caught sight of the spillage she was about to hide and froze. A buzzing pleasure filled her head and her...

Was she actually turned on by her own growth? How disgustingly narcissistic! She lifted her left tit up instinctively, straining her tongue to lick her own teet, and was dissatisfied. She needed to be sucked! Praised, worshipped!

She realized how tight her legs were crossed. *God, I am so FUCKED up!* she moaned, deftly removing the bra and flopping back-first onto her bed.

After relieving herself and staring at the ceiling for a moment, she went about her profession. On went the shirt and out came the notebook.

Apr 03 AM
Rec. G @ 7:30AM, Pro. B @ 09:00AM 45 min w/flax.
Temporary swelling after massage, nearly 1/2 cupsize, subsided after 20 min.
New size: 30G(US) / 30F(UK)

She hesitated, but continued...

Caution with recipe G. Mood swings, weird fantasies. Intense arousal.
But the most effective by far.
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That was fantastic! Mallory feels like an actual person with an actual past - even including realistic, non-sexy details like self-harm - and it makes her journey so much more interesting than if she were just some generic porno character.
you've been especially nice @sandoval2099, so I blame a good part of this on you. deal with it.

It's really great to see you back! And like I told you, you absolutely deserve the encouragement. Your writing has a real voice.

I understand feeling a bit silly and self-conscious, or juvenile, as you said, but I think anyone who writes smut and isn't a complete lunatic would feel that way sometimes. It seems like a pretty normal emotion to have; god knows I've had it with my own writing. But in terms of the quality of your work, you've got nothing to be self-conscious about.
It's really great to see you back! And like I told you, you absolutely deserve the encouragement. Your writing has a real voice.

I understand feeling a bit silly and self-conscious, or juvenile, as you said, but I think anyone who writes smut and isn't a complete lunatic would feel that way sometimes. It seems like a pretty normal emotion to have; god knows I've had it with my own writing. But in terms of the quality of your work, you've got nothing to be self-conscious about.
I mean this with the full sincerity that only a few like you could embrace: thanks. Seriously.,

Edit: yes I'm done kissing and yes more chapters this week, sorry for the drama.
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Chapter 3:

Mallory was hastily cleaning up her dishes from breakfast to get down to the carpool that had just honked its arrival. Mavis was sipping on her coffee and seemed calmer than usual, "I need a few things from your store. Left a list on the fridge."

"Yeah, sure thing," Mallory said, ripping the note from under the magnet to hide her annoyance at being Mavis' gopher. "Gotta go, text me if you think of anything else."

"By the way, yer cousin's moving in for a while. Make sure the other bedroom is clean and ready before tomorrow."

Just wonderful, surprise frantic chores. Again. Did Mavis do this on purpose, or did she forget things to the last minute? "Cousin? What, did Philip get booted by his landlord again?"

"Not Philip. Maddy."

Mallory pulled the door shut behind her, having lost whatever remaining joy might have been found in the morning.


Smoking wasn't a habit for her, but Mallory pulled a last stressful drag on the cigarette and tossed it into the gutter when she saw the hatchback pull up.

*I should have saved it to flick into her stupid face.*

The driver unbuckled and stepped up out of the vehicle. This was Madison: frequent roommate and tormentor of Mallory's childhood and teens, and, if ever the Blue Pines trailer-park had proper royalty, the reigning Slut Duchess. She had won most of the genetic lottery, with ridiculous strawberry-blonde hair, an alarmingly beautiful face, and of course, a body that would make inanimate custom-ordered Japanese fuckdolls envious.

She also had the almost delightful tackiness of being foul-mouthed, rolling her own cigarettes (and other recreationals, of course), and an incredible tolerance for cheap ice-beer, all aside from being the proud notch on a wild number of belts and destroyed relationships.

And upon her chest were strapped the Grand Tetons of Elk County. They were practically legendary; even in the small hamlets, prude maids would warn wives to keep their husband's eyes averted, should this stupendous wunderbusen come wobbling through the village.

*Holy fuck-it-all, they got huge!* Mallory's eyes couldn't hide her shock, and she became cotton-mouthed. "Hi," she clipped. The awkward greeting was the best she could manage.

"Nice to see you again, Mal," said Madison cheerfully, with her trademark smile. She wasn't traditionally intelligent, but she could move faster than most anyone concerning emotion, and her brows ever-so-slightly furrowed at the vulnerability she detected: *Mal absolutely didn't want her here*. "I guess I missed being roomies," she taunted, the smallest of giggles; the annoying kind that are supposed to sound cute by imitating an adorable hiccup at the end.

Mallory was panicking. Defense mode activated. All hands on deck. *Go matter-of-fact* she urged herself. "We'll need to take the stairs. Let's get your stuff moved in."

"-the Hell? This place doesn't have an elevator?"

"Unless you have fetishes like R. Kelly."

"Ew, gross!"

*Diffused for now* thought Mallory, dragging an obnoxiously heavy box out of the car, and guiding Madison several trips up the three flights of stairs.


The staircase was ragged, and the worn and busted woodwork on the railings suggested a time that this had once been a decent place. The ground floor they had passed through was now an open community room, occasionally booked for meetings, or as a voting station at election time. One could see the intricate artisan work on the elegant ceiling, and the outline of the three shops that used to have tenancy here. Maybe it was elegant 100 years ago. Nostalgic at 50. Now it just smelled like rot, as if a building's soul was pleading *kill me*.

Why on earth Madison needed so much shit for a couple months was beyond Mallory. Had she known, she might have flagged Jay for help. Then again, Madison would have simply charmed Jay into doing her share of the work, whilst also slowing him down while he chatted her up; all of which would have had Mallory doing the most work anyway. So this was all for the best. This was the only way to get the bitch to pull her weight.

There were a few items of which Madison was jealously protective. A full-size PC tower and a massive monitor box were to be only carried by her, under threat of slow-torturous death. *Why does she have all this expensive stuff?* Mallory wondered. *If her boy-toy is that rich, then why didn't she move in with him?* She looked up the stairs at the ass that was shoe-horned into the stretchiest of jeans. *Ah. Probably dumped him.*

Three trips left the girls absolutely pooped. Mavis was delighted to see Madison, of course, giving the grand tour of what, at one time, might have been a respectable apartment for a clerk and his family in a fashionable district of an up-and-coming railroad town. The two girls shoved all Madison's boxes into her new room. "Need any help unpacking?" Mallory offered. Madison declined.

After about 45 minutes, Madison, having never been able to justify manners regarding Mallory or her privacy, ripped open her bedroom door with a pained and frantic look on her face. "Why are there NO 3-prong outlets?!" she choked, horrified.

Mallory looked at her deadpan, then turned her head back to her laptop screen. "Bathroom and Kitchen only. Rest are grandfathered," said Mallory.

"Ugghhh!" Madison left and Mallory could hear her grab her keys and run out the front door.

*Welcome to Hell, bitch!* thought Mallory, and she took the opportunity to spy on the vulnerable cache next door.


The stress and aggravation of the past few days had been too much for Mallory. After Mavis' welcoming tour was the welcoming dinner, where she waxed emphatic on how much nicer it will be living with "us three girls," and hoped that Mallory might learn from Madison (whether by teaching, example, or osmosis) things like posture, charm, and how not to dress like a irate badger on an acid trip.

Every waking moment Mallory encountered her, Madison had been nothing but a chattercunt. Humblebragging her accomplishments, whining about her exes, complaining about her dad's girlfriend. But worst for Mallory was that Madison had somehow gained the authority to boss her around like Mavis' deputy, all under the guise of, "I just don't know where things are yet," "but you're *so* much better at that than I am," and the ever favorite, "well, you go by the place on the way to work, right?" How did the one member of the household without a car end up running the most errands?

It was 2 AM and she was currently on her third round of fingering herself tonight, trying to find release from whatever Old Testament deity she had pissed off to deserve this newfound torture. She had to find a new target. It always had to be real, an actual someone she could or did have for herself at one time.

Tanner. The brown-haired guy from the track and soccer teams, and part of the drumline with her in marching band. Tanner. She remembered playing hands of euchre in the back of the bus and later finding herself draped across his swim-team driven torso while she pretended to sleep on the long ride home from an away game. Tanner! It was one of the few chances she got to be alone with him, she didn't mind being shared as part of his little harem. Tanner! Her fantasies wracked through her head carefree, and she was trying to soar.

Maybe a little too much.

A knock at her door startled her awake and she squeaked, ripping the covers up to try and hide her shame before the door was fully open. There stood Madison, in her oversized t-shirt she used like a trailer-court nightgown.

"I know I'm just a guest, and that you are probably used to Mavis being able to sleep through an earthquake. But if you can't keep it down, could you at least have the tact to keep my ex's name out of your mouth while you are sleep-fucking yourself?"

"S-sorry." Mallory, now truly mortified, flushed an even deeper red.

"Hmph!" And with that, Madison closed the door, just a bit-too-firmly.


Mallory was doing her daily soak in the tub.

*knock knock*


*KnOcK. kNoCk.*

"I'm busy, whaddya want?!"

The bathroom door squeaked open, and Madison stepped in. "Howya doin' Mal?"

"-the Hell do you want, Mads?" Mallory, panicked, sank up to her chin under the foam.

"I was just checkin' in on ya. You sure spend a long time in here every morning." Madison sat tubside.

"What's it to you?" Mallory foamed.

"Oh, nothing really...just concern after that first night."

"Concern for friggin' what?"

"Your, ah...more energetic activities. After you quieted down that night, I wondered about what other hobbies you may have, and thought about how much time you spend in here as well. I'd rather not make assumptions of course...Y'know." Venom flowed from Madison's carefully gentle and worried voice.

"Look, I said I was sorry," bubbled Mallory, sinking even her mouth below the water's crest.

"You're fine, you're fine. You're human, after all. We all have some...dissatisfaction in our lives," Madison paused. "Still, I'd like to help you through your pain."

"And I'd like to remind you that you are #1 on my shitlist, you cum-trough." More steam seemed to be rising from the tub.

"Mal-Mal, such unbecoming language for an adorable little girl," cooed Madison, and she noticed the notebook on the sink counter. "And what's this? Taking up poetry? A diary, perhaps? A sketchbook for deviantArt?"

"Don't fucking touch it." That was a big mistake: Mallory just revealed its value.

"Oh, not deviantArt? FurAffinity then?" Madison picked up the journal and stopped, giving her best Jack Sparrow, "You're not furry, are you?" A growl emmitted from the tub. Madison started leafing through it, and her smile grew wicked and she started chuckling.

"This can't be real.'s unbelievable. It's like the...journal of an autistic weeb who runs through a whole box of tissues in a week. I can't believe it. I cannot fucking..." and she broke down on a full fit of laughter.

Mallory fumed in the tub. "You've done enough, just *go*!"

Madison grabbed at the bra hanging on the towel rack, bringing up the label. "What's going through my little sis's head? Wait, 32G? There's no way." She laughed, "Not a chance in Hell. This is adorable."

"I had to have the back taken in. My ribcage is three inches smaller."

Madison read the latest log in the journal. "You actually believe you are somewhere near an H-cup?!" There was a haughty anger in Madison's face. She stepped over to the tub and dropped the bra into the water, and exclaimed, incredulous, "You...You really think...?"

She lifted off her shirt and set her braless mountains free and stood at the head of the tub, dangling and teasing above Mallory's head. "Flight of the Valkyries" started playing in Mallory's mind as the shadow of Boobymandius, Queen of Tits, washed out her view of Madison's face, and eventually the overhead light. Mal was in a tit-eclipse at full occlusion. Sweat and condensation from the steamy tub dripped down off those fat bags, plunking loudly around her ears and echoing in the confined space.

"I'm not touching yooouu..."

Madison's voice grew loud, as if she truly was a goddess at the top of a mountain boasting down at puny humanity. She started swinging them ominously as she got lower and closer to Mallory's head. "Knock it off, you overgrown cow!"

Mallory's projected confidence rang hollow. Madison pretended to gasp, "Ohoho, someone sounds like she had a big bowl of Honey-Nut BitchWheats to start her morning."

"Get. The fuck. Out of. The bathroom."

Mallory's growls were clearly impotent, much like a cornered kitten. Madison wobbled herself dangerously closer. Mal could feel the slight currents in her hair. "I swear to God, if even one mere teet of those so much as grazes me, I will fucking bite it."

Madison giggled tauntingly, "Don't threaten me with a good time, little sis."

"I'm not your 'little sister,' damnit!"

"Aren't you, though?" And with that, Madison plopped down on her, plunging her arms into the water, groping toward her prize. "What's this? My, my, Mal! Maybe not so-little after all?"

The humiliation Mallory was enduring was titanic. She was being utterly mogged by the two proudest balloons in town, even the county. The cause of countless trips and injuries, hundreds of jealous slaps, a dozen scandals, and at least two divorces was crushing down on her head; and now Mallory was sandwiched between, with Madison's arms squishing them into her ears while fondling mockingly.

Mallory stopped fighting against Madison's greedy hands, and reached up, clamping down on each nipple with the strongest pinch her soapy hands could muster. Madison yelped and jerked up straight. She gritted her teeth, recovered, and laughed darkly.

"Feisty! You actually fight back now."

Madison was content with her administration of torture, especially with prey that now had teeth. She brushed it off and dried herself quickly, donning her shirt, and paused. "I'll be taking this with me," she said, matter-of-factly. "Don't worry, I'll leave you some good notes and advice."

"Put it *back*!" Mallory had stood up in the tub with a frightening scowl. Water and foam dripped from her, and her fists were clenched.

Madison grinned and surveyed her provoked toy. Her eyes wandered down and saw the scars marring the thighs of what actually was a rather attractive young woman, and her grin slipped into twitching hesitant smile. A small compassion flickered in her eyes, and...

Suddenly the smirk returned, and Madison left, notebook in hand, shutting the bathrooom door with the same dismissal as the previous night. Defeated, Mallory sat back down in the tub and stayed there silently for a few more minutes before realizing she was shivering in the now barely lukewarm tub.

"Fucking heifer."
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I'm happy to see Mallory back! The story really takes a turn for the hot here, and I've got to see where this goes.