Do you ever feel guilty about your big boob fetish?

Yes at times I definitely feel the guilt, especially around family members. Not ideal
Not so much...well, if I feel any guilt it's more of that generalized shame around sex that I've largely shed.

I was a churchgoer in my youth, so I'm sure that had it's effects.
Yes, I certainly do. Liking big boobs is seen as being somewhat juvenile so there's some stigma there. My girlfriends have all known my preference for curvier women, but only my first understood the true extent of my unabashed love of big tits (she was very well endowed herself).

Also not proud of the collection of pictures/videos I've collected over the past 18 years ranging from bustywebshots girls to modern tiktok stars. So far it hasn't gotten me into trouble but it has clouded my judgement and led me to situations with women I wished I hadn't put myself in.
Yes at times I definitely feel the guilt, especially around family members. Not ideal
Why do you feel guilty around family? Why should they care?
I feel guilty as fuck because my girlfriend has gigantomastia and needs a medically necessary breast reduction to function normally and not be in extreme pain but refuses to get one because she knows how much of a boob guy i am and thinks that i will love her less if she does.
I feel guilty as fuck because my girlfriend has gigantomastia and needs a medically necessary breast reduction to function normally and not be in extreme pain but refuses to get one because she knows how much of a boob guy i am and thinks that i will love her less if she does.
Sorry to hear it causes her extreme pain
not guilty, but i do feel some pity for all those pretty but flat girls with great personalities who have wanted to be with me but I could never even entertain because a flat chest disturbs me.
Nah. The older I get, the less I care about what others think. Life’s too short. Fortunately I have a well endowed girlfriend with 32GGs that keeps me happy in many regards, physically and mentally. If I was single or with a girl who has less than Ds, I don’t think I’d be attracted to her.
Nah. The older I get, the less I care about what others think. Life’s too short. Fortunately I have a well endowed girlfriend with 32GGs that keeps me happy in many regards, physically and mentally. If I was single or with a girl who has less than Ds, I don’t think I’d be attracted to her.
I know what you mean. If I were single, I don't think I would be able to consider dating a woman who wasn't well endowed
I felt guilty several years back when a slim flat chested blonde friend of mine wanted me to make a move on her while we were chilling at her place with a bottle of wine. We got to that stage in the evening when she was staring at me and my lips while edging closer to my face.

My gut feeling was “oh shit wasn’t expecting this, not into her so how do I get out of this situation”. I made an excuse about something I had to do and politely left. The look of confused disappointment in her face still sticks to this day. Felt pretty bad about it as to most guys (without a boob fetish) she was a fairly hot blonde chick from the Baltics.
My wife knew I was a boob guy even before we married. She's not what most here would consider that big, but I'm attracted to her and her D cups helped I'll admit. She was ok with it and the nice thing is she uses that to her advantage over me. I get to indulge often and we both enjoy (including my photography interest) Win/wine I suppose. :love:

Bottom line - she never made me feel guilty and she knows I married her "partly" for her boobs and she's always said she is ok with that. Now.... we got along in other areas too so don't misunderstand but boobs were near the top of the list.
Yes, I do feel guilty about it.

Not because it's inherently wrong to have a fondness/proclivity for something, but because this particular one lands a bit sour in today's society.

Loving big boobs gets stereotyped as unsophisticated, juvenile and maybe even obsolete. Sometimes the reaction to it is even more hostile; suggesting it generates sexism, misogyny and an inclination to marginalize women.

The irony is that women objectify themselves as much as men do - the only difference is that it's fair game when women decide what the object d'jour is: hair, skin, nails, makeup, eyebrows, handbags, shoes, jewelry, hats/belts etc. Those things are allowed, even encouraged, to be examined, probed, beheld, analyzed and dissected to infinity.

But finding big boobs attractive? How dare you!

Perhaps it's a herd mentality that society has adopted: Since not everyone can have big boobs, it's intrinsically wrong to like them. This makes sense on a logical level. Some of humanity's darkest events (genocide, holocaust, etc.) are directly connected to favoring one group of people over another.

To that I would remind the critic: Liking big boobs does not imply that I wish misery on those who don't have them. No more than your preference of ice cream means that you wish all other flavors would suddenly perish.

There's also a problem with only doing what makes sense logically: it doesn't work in humans. We are not merely beings of "high thought." We have a limbic system - yes, there's a lizard brain hidden in there. It's the reason you can't be persuaded to like certain foods, or certain musical styles regardless of how convincing the argument for it is.

So I live a life that keeps my love for big boobs 90% hidden; only 10% revealed. I have a girlfriend I care about deeply. Her boobs are somewhere between a C to D. She knows I like big boobs, but she doesn't know the extent. She doesn't know I fantasize about much bigger ones, or that I visit websites to "get my fix" of them and then go back to my normal routine. I tell her that what she has is great and let her believe she's fully meeting the qualifications of what I desire. I have friends who know I love big boobs, but their knowledge is skewed. They think anything bigger than a C cup is "massive," and I let them go on thinking that's it and they've got it all figured out.

Is my choice to keep it 90% hidden morally wrong? I don't think so. The older one gets, the more one sees that compromise is part of life. You might think it disingenuous, but in the long run, practicality wins.
Yes, I do feel guilty about it.

Not because it's inherently wrong to have a fondness/proclivity for something, but because this particular one lands a bit sour in today's society.

Loving big boobs gets stereotyped as unsophisticated, juvenile and maybe even obsolete. Sometimes the reaction to it is even more hostile; suggesting it generates sexism, misogyny and an inclination to marginalize women.

The irony is that women objectify themselves as much as men do - the only difference is that it's fair game when women decide what the object d'jour is: hair, skin, nails, makeup, eyebrows, handbags, shoes, jewelry, hats/belts etc. Those things are allowed, even encouraged, to be examined, probed, beheld, analyzed and dissected to infinity.

But finding big boobs attractive? How dare you!

Perhaps it's a herd mentality that society has adopted: Since not everyone can have big boobs, it's intrinsically wrong to like them. This makes sense on a logical level. Some of humanity's darkest events (genocide, holocaust, etc.) are directly connected to favoring one group of people over another.

To that I would remind the critic: Liking big boobs does not imply that I wish misery on those who don't have them. No more than your preference of ice cream means that you wish all other flavors would suddenly perish.

There's also a problem with only doing what makes sense logically: it doesn't work in humans. We are not merely beings of "high thought." We have a limbic system - yes, there's a lizard brain hidden in there. It's the reason you can't be persuaded to like certain foods, or certain musical styles regardless of how convincing the argument for it is.

So I live a life that keeps my love for big boobs 90% hidden; only 10% revealed. I have a girlfriend I care about deeply. Her boobs are somewhere between a C to D. She knows I like big boobs, but she doesn't know the extent. She doesn't know I fantasize about much bigger ones, or that I visit websites to "get my fix" of them and then go back to my normal routine. I tell her that what she has is great and let her believe she's fully meeting the qualifications of what I desire. I have friends who know I love big boobs, but their knowledge is skewed. They think anything bigger than a C cup is "massive," and I let them go on thinking that's it and they've got it all figured out.

Is my choice to keep it 90% hidden morally wrong? I don't think so. The older one gets, the more one sees that compromise is part of life. You might think it disingenuous, but in the long run, practicality wins.
I think if you have enough tact, it’s generally not an issue. My current GF did not know about my preferences until many weeks in. Maybe it’s hiding it but any time earlier didn’t feel appropriate.
I felt guilty at first until I began indulging in it in moderation. Because for as much as I admire women with a nice rack, I learned over time that there’s way more to them than that. Especially since they’re human beings like the rest of us at the end of the day.
Yes, I certainly do. Liking big boobs is seen as being somewhat juvenile so there's some stigma there. My girlfriends have all known my preference for curvier women, but only my first understood the true extent of my unabashed love of big tits (she was very well endowed herself).

Also not proud of the collection of pictures/videos I've collected over the past 18 years ranging from bustywebshots girls to modern tiktok stars. So far it hasn't gotten me into trouble but it has clouded my judgement and led me to situations with women I wished I hadn't put myself in.
Like what kind of situations. I have worked in bars in my mid 20's. There have been situations where I have told my colleagues I'll be right back, followed big tit girls to another bar to chat them up. No regrets there. Bar jobs aint that serious.
Of Note: I've posted on a semi-similar topic before, regarding masturbation and guilt (related TnT post).

Brief Summary: I recommend every man (and woman), enjoy what he (and she) wants, and get off, and feel good about it, especially in the case of masturbation. What is the point of ejaculations if we cannot enjoy ourselves after? Be happy you're a man (and woman), and love the fact that you can be sexually gratified, whether alone, or with others. Of course, do not 'go against consent.' If a woman says, 'Don't look at me that way,' respect it, 'Golden Rule.' At most, keep it 'eyes-up' at work by default, just because ... life is easier if you keep people you work with 'in that zone.' But do not, for a second, not enjoy a model that hasn't said such, much more any woman that wants to be 'desired.' Enjoy life. Enjoy sex. Enjoy your 'natural programming.' Don't fight it, only 'limit it' when it comes to people saying, "No, don't enjoy me that way." I've always been a 'body man,' and ... I'm not changing. My wife loves me for it too because, that's why I adore her, and have, for nearly 3 decades (related TnT post). Those who want to 'judge' are just exposing their own issues in life. Be both confident and content in your life, and that's the way you 'beat all naysayers.'

Full Response (Follows): I apologize in advance, but this will be long. But isn't that what some deep discussion should be? Most of my viewpoint is US-centric or North American centric, although I've worked all over Europe as well the past dozen years at times.

Yes, I do feel guilty about it.
I don't, but more on that in a bit. I'm also blessed with have a woman of nearly 3 decades at my side who doesn't put up with that non-sense. Everyone should have a few people, or at least one person, who is close to them and supporting their values. But even if you don't, do not let others dictate how you feel about yourself, or those close relationships.

I've had my same values since age 15, and I'm glad I found someone who supported me, especially against a family that judged me early in life ... from my dating life (my mother felt like I shouldn't date until 18, and made it difficult even in college), as well as my marriage, my career and otherwise.

Not because it's inherently wrong to have a fondness/proclivity for something, but because this particular one lands a bit sour in today's society.
Loving big boobs gets stereotyped as unsophisticated, juvenile and maybe even obsolete.
Well, I think that's a greater issue with society itself. Men are recluse, and women less satisfied, as a result. Now don't get me wrong, changes had to happen, especially here in North America.

For example, I -- a man who has never drank in his life -- grew up in the late '80s and early '90s, when getting drunk and getting laid, were quite 'inter-related.' I was one of those gentleman who always 'intercepted' that and asked, "Would she sleep with you when you were sober?" So despite my trying to 'hook up friends,' that got me a 'poor rep.'

Now going the other way, women who are irresponsible and put themselves in situations can be just as bad. For example, I had not one, but two women punch/kick me in the groin for not sleeping with them when I didn't have sex. In the one case, punching, she was just 'going for my pants' and ... yeah. The other, who kicked me, nearly ruptured my testicle.

I've also saw women home only to have them turn around and blame me for getting them drunk, as they didn't want to get their boyfriends in trouble. I also had a mother who was not just overbearing, but believed all men were evil (she only grew up with sisters), and thought I did it too. Women cause a lot of their own problems.

We really need to get back to caring about individuals, and not 'defending groups.' That's really what is important, the 'Golden Rule.' But my wife, who I've been with since she was 18, and is now 45, is tired of society 'hurting lust'n sex.' It's now taboo, when it shouldn't be.

Sometimes the reaction to it is even more hostile; suggesting it generates sexism, misogyny and an inclination to marginalize women.
I think the biggest, hypocritical issue here in North America is the #metoo hypocrisy, where some of the loudest complainers are also the biggest offenders. And there are politically-motivated aspects, not holding all men accountable, just select men.

Now don't get me wrong, I have plenty of 'lip service' #metoo male friends from the '80s and '90s who would be considered very anti-#metoo in their youth by their own actions, while I haven't changed. But ... this is not going to end well for society, especially with some of the newer laws.

Again, we need to get back to 'the individual.' The more we try to 'group people,' and label and stereotype all of them, the worse it is for all of us. And we need to stop judging. Treat others how you want to be treated. There are a lot of unhappy men and women who do not. That's on them.

The irony is that women objectify themselves as much as men do - the only difference is that it's fair game when women decide what the object d'jour is: hair, skin, nails, makeup, eyebrows, handbags, shoes, jewelry, hats/belts etc. Those things are allowed, even encouraged, to be examined, probed, beheld, analyzed and dissected to infinity.
Well ... it really starts with American media, where women are objectified ... but in a really odd way, especially since they are supposed to be based on their 'talents,' and not their bodies or beauty. Frankly, I think it's pathetic, but that's because ... tada ... most Americans are sexually immature, and 'brought up' that way.

I want to focus on an actress' talents, her acting ability, not how she looks. Because, frankly, actresses aren't even close to how hot models are. I don't watch TV or movies to oogle. But ... that's the immaturity of the American media. The beauty and bodies dominate, even though -- again -- I think nearly all actresses don't come close to a model.

That's why Hollywood was 25+ years behind Anita Hill (1991), as sexual extortion was still rampant in Hollywood until 2015 or so, here in the US. But Hollywood and TV always has been the most sexist and racist aspect of American society. As I always say, if I wasn't an American, I'd hate Americans because of their arrogance on news as well as their obliviousness in the movies.

But real Americans are anything but. Real Americans are more like Czechs, fiercely independent, having great issues with others. But people never see that, unless they live in the US, and not in DC or similarly which are completely out-of-touch. The Hunger Games aren't far off from what the US is becoming long-term.

That's why 80-90% of Americans 'ejected' from Media long ago. They literally make fun of it. That's why whenever an US political candidate is hated by the US media, he or she surges in popularity. Call him or her a Russian plant and she soars even more, especially if he or she is an US veteran with combat experience, and is anti-war, pro non-interference, even an American isolationist.

Once you start understanding that the majority of Americans reject Media and Hollywood and so many things, the US makes far more sense. Which brings us back to the 'objectification of women.'

It's not a shocker that American teenagers and young adults have a much higher rate of STDs than, say, Franco teenager and young adults. Sexuality is so repressed in American society and, when it's not, it is shown with gross irresponsibility and promiscuity. Promiscuity is taboo, but encouraged in US youths ... along with irresponsibility. It starts with binge drinking too, because the legal age is 21.

I could go on and on but the fact remains, Francos have more fruitful, responsible sex, and less distribution of STDs. Heck, many aspects of Franco society embracing unthinkable things, like couples sharing a young man or lady, teaching them positive, responsible sex, would never be accepted in American society either. To them, that's wrong, but ... spontaneous, irresponsible sex, and a glut of sexual education, is just fine.

So ... that spills over into society. I avoid talking about sex in my real life, as does my wife, outside or bedrooms, or semi-anonymously on-line. All while I've worked in the biggest cesspools of sexual bantering, even extortion, like Washington DC and California, here in the US. I still cannot believe the levels of hypocrisy that exist, but very much do here in the US.

Everyone judging everyone else, and it's just like reality TV ... people want to 'feel better about themselves' by saying, "Look, they aren't real! They are worse than me/us!"

Even my wife and I don't escape it after nearly 3 decades, especially since we meet as teenagers and married so young.

People literally make fun of us because we've been married over a quarter century, and together nearly 3 decades. Oh, they are 'complementary' to our faces, but 'behind our backs?' And they judge. Again, they don't want to believe it. They want to make up things or point at things where they argue they are 'better than us.'

They spread rumors just because they don't want to believe two people can be genuinely happy. They talk about my wife's tits, in a negative way, or her Hungarian-Roman looks (even though she was born in the US, and has no accent), and say we must travel away from each other (we have our own careers, she has a PhD no less), because we sleep around and have an open relationship. All false rumors, but they exist.

At some point, you just have to laugh at their folly ... their own lack of contentment, their 'need to judge.' That says everything about them. Be both confident and content in your life, and that's the way you 'beat them.' It drives them up-the-wall too.

But finding big boobs attractive? How dare you!
Love what you love, and don't let go. Breasts are probably the most elementary because, at least for us men, we've literally 'gone nuts' for them ever since breastfeeding, or the thoughts of such.

My journey, which was extremely sheltered -- I won't bore you
I didn't see any nudity in photos until nearly 15, and not even a pornographic film until 18, well after I had 'already done it all' in real-life. In fact, the video I first saw at 18, a compliation of Christy Canyon, was a gift from a 45 year-old I was sleeping with -- started with huge breasts, namely 1989 December Playboy Playmate Petra Verkaik (related TnT post), and then a slew of voluptuous brunettes Playmates of the '80s (related TnT post). I then had my first F-cup girlfriend. At first, I though it was the rack. But then I saw her in a dress that I had seen on a model prior, in a catalog ... and because her body was wider and fuller, I adored her more because of that.

Only then I realized the obviousness of the truth ... to me, the body makes the rack. And I've been a lover of women I call Powerglasses (wider, fuller, hourglass shapes) and Shotglasses (top heavy, apple shapes) every since (related TnT thread).

Even today, both in the sack as well as in VR, I still prefer wider women. Just how I am. Not that I cannot appreciate the more 'supermodel hourglass,' but please give me +10cm (+4"), minimum, and I'm far more 'satisfied.' That's also why I prefer women age 25+, as their 'womanly hips'n form' have 'come out.' The tits, are just the bonus, usually wider with more volume, although the size and hang varies, greatly.

My Wife, Age This includes my Shotglass wife that was almost an US dress size 0 in her waist, but size 6 in her bust, when I first met her (18), and I love her far more size 10-12 in the bust, and size 8 in the hips now that they came out 25+. Again, more in this post (related TnT post).

Perhaps it's a herd mentality that society has adopted:
Herd mentality is ruining society.
Here in the US, we have a bit of an oligarchy, enforced by Big Tech, that is little different than the British of 250 years ago, and the Trading Companies.

Ironically, America was founded on being different, being awkward, being rejected ... 'Give Us Your Poor, Your Tired, Your...' and let them 'Find Their Own Way,' but now we've twisted that into 'Give Us Your Dependents.' Sigh ... we used to let our country weed out the strong from the weak, and the strong would rise. And in every generation, sans maybe Native and African-Americans (not until more recent decades), everyone had an opportunity to rise.

In fact, I've always hired people not based on their grades or degrees, but their challenges ... which if why I've had no difficulty when I go with Veterans, Native and African-Americans, and the like. They had greater challenges than others, even myself. But I won't go into that as American Civics is a bit of a side gig of mine ... right down to law, which I didn't start my career in initially.

We need to get back to loving each other as individuals. We need to 'Just Say No' to 'group' and 'herd' non-sense.

We need to get back to science being based on ... science, not political correctness, let alone mob rule. It's extremely difficult to have calculus-based physics, let alone statistics, and see the amount of fraudulent information that dominates the very science and engineering-ignorant media here in the US.

I've always been an engineer, somewhat of a maverick who began working before I was even a teenager, and well ahead in math, including starting engineering college early. I might have had a very poor relationship with my judgemental mother who still hates my wife -- and my father and I did not get along all those years my mother hated me (large ages 14-20, when I was dating) -- but I grew up in an engineering household and my father taught me everything I could absorb. I was bored in school until 16, finally taking college engineering classes c/o my internship with an aerospace employer.

And I've always challenged authority. It's a creed I have, and it does not make me popular. But I have been a leader because I 'work the problem.' I also don't go around 'making fun of people.' No, instead, I teach. I educate. I challenge people to 'think,' no matter how unpopular it is. I've recently been told Engineering is racist and anti-environmental. I guess that's why we have such poor environmental policy here in the US ... because things like electrical and environmental are now considered racist.

So to me, science requires expert dis-cord, not herd mentality. That herd mentality is why it's more important to actually understand the science why the Earth is round, than to merely say it is, or understand why we currently believe the Earth is over 4 billion years old, than to merely state it is. As I always say ... I'd rather talk to a guy that wants to build a rocket to prove the Earth is flat than deal the 98% of Americans who would fail even 18th century classical physics, and are dead wrong about physics.

Since not everyone can have big boobs, it's intrinsically wrong to like them. This makes sense on a logical level. Some of humanity's darkest events (genocide, holocaust, etc.) are directly connected to favoring one group of people over another.
I look at it the opposite. I like the fact that we all like different things. It's why different women find different men, and vice-versa, attractive.

The fact that so many guys are 'tit hounds,'
heck, my wife is more than me ... she's more of a 'stick with tits lover' than even I, and has even 'fooled around' with her tall, massively titted, best friend before, with my permission, of course,
is why so many women have lovers, husbands and the like. Good for all those men and women! Good for them!

Let's get back to being 'true' to who we are and, more importantly, accepting each other ... even helping one another get laid! Be confident. Project it. "I'm a Tit Lover!" much like I claim "I'm a Powerglass/Shotglass Lover!" (again, related TnT thread).

To that I would remind the critic: Liking big boobs does not imply that I wish misery on those who don't have them. No more than your preference of ice cream means that you wish all other flavors would suddenly perish.
And that, right there, is the biggest issue with society. I have no idea when this "I don't care for, myself," became, "I don't want it to exist," or worse yet, "I want you to change yourself." In the case of racks, that doesn't mean women who don't have them need to gain weight or undergo surgery to get them. It just means ... "Hey, there's a guy for you. I'm not him."

I regularly tell guys, including on this board, "I don't appreciate her enough." I think it's great we all have women we do ... and don't.

There's also a problem with only doing what makes sense logically: it doesn't work in humans. We are not merely beings of "high thought." We have a limbic system - yes, there's a lizard brain hidden in there. It's the reason you can't be persuaded to like certain foods, or certain musical styles regardless of how convincing the argument for it is.
This is largely true. Although ... I do go 'outside my norm' at times, and end up finding I lust for an 'acquired taste.'

A perfect example for me is Romanian Arianna Sinn, who I classify as my #1 type, Deep, Thick Lusts, in my favorite Top 10 Hardcore Types (related TnT post - also list 0H: Deep-Thicc Lust). She's much heavier than my wife has ever been in her life, bigger 'love handles' that I would normally adore, yet ... she quickly became my favorite hardcore lust of all-time. Why? She's unique. She just is.

So while I can go off on all my 'Powerglass favorites' who are literally the 'Postergirls' of my lusts, who I've regularly babbled about in countless posts (related TnT post - also lists 1H: Ultimate-Powerglass and 2H: Powerglass Princesses), does it really matter that I follow my alleged 'standard' when I see such a sweet, lustful babe?

You guys love tits! Demand tits! Don't settle for anything less! I've seen plenty of couples break up because people aren't honest with what they want in a lover and lust. Don't let people tell you otherwise!

So I live a life that keeps my love for big boobs 90% hidden; only 10% revealed.
I'm in the US, so people literally don't know much about me. The first tag I get at any client after a couple months is "Is his wife even real? Does he have a 'beard?' I think he's actually gay." I talk 0 about sex at work. I just never do. Same with my likes. I literally stay 'above board' in my real life, my wife does as well.

We have our careers, especially both being self-employed, and we cannot 'chance' any 'controversy' much more a 'cancel' type issue.

I have a girlfriend I care about deeply. Her boobs are somewhere between a C to D. She knows I like big boobs, but she doesn't know the extent. She doesn't know I fantasize about much bigger ones, or that I visit websites to "get my fix" of them and then go back to my normal routine. I tell her that what she has is great and let her believe she's fully meeting the qualifications of what I desire. I have friends who know I love big boobs, but their knowledge is skewed. They think anything bigger than a C cup is "massive," and I let them go on thinking that's it and they've got it all figured out.
So ... I don't know your relationship, but the more you let her know how you really feel, the more fruitful your relationship may become ... or not. You may 'lose her' as a result. It can be 'difficult' to 'crack that egg' too.

One of the best things I ever did was help my wife 'release' her 'pornograph fetish.' She used to hide it from me because I enjoy more softcore and erotica, while she's into more 'harder' stuff. It also helped with the bedroom, because I realized how she wanted to be ... well ... 'dominated.'

Understand I avoided any 'insertion' for years because my mother told me "sex hurts a woman," so no blowjobs, so no intercourse. I would orally pleasure women, but only enjoy tit-fucking in return. Luckily I was working at a young age, and was dating older, middle aged women, by age 16 ... who slowly 'changed' that.

But I was always 'passive' and even considered 'frigid.' I even had early girlfriends cheat on me back when I was 13-14, because I was. It was like that early into my wife, before and after wedding. Oh, we had lots of sex, but ... I didn't know her true passions. She borderline bi-sexual, but doesn't like the idea of eating pussy.

Once I was able to 'release' that, I got to her 'true nature' and she could enjoy whatever she wanted with me. I even agreed to let her have some episodes with her best friend, a tall, former basketball, mammazon of a woman, so she could 'explore that,' and without worries of any 'jealousy.' In fact, when her best friend 'pushed' for a FMF with me, it kinda 'ended it' for my wife.

Because, yes, we're utterly monogamous. It's beautiful. We don't 'hold back' our lists, but agree to only 'enjoy it with each other,' alone. Not everything has to be 'experienced,' but it should be 'discussed.' I've had bustier women than my wife. I've had bigger tits for a woman's weight too. But no one is as understanding like my wife.

And because we learned early to 'unleash' our 'full potential' as a couple, together ... I will only be 'disappointed' if I ever cheat on her. She feels the same about me, because there is no 'comfort' like we have.

Is my choice to keep it 90% hidden morally wrong? I don't think so. The older one gets, the more one sees that compromise is part of life. You might think it disingenuous, but in the long run, practicality wins.
You should keep it from everyone ... except the people you truly trust. Life is really about that. Hide things from those you cannot trust fully. And share only with those you can, fully. There will only be a select few in the latter case.

And thank you for sharing with us. I hope you, and everyone else, find what you're looking for in life. I know I have, pretty much since age 15, and definitely since before I was 20, in meeting the love of my life, back in the mid '90s.
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Not in the slightest. I have always loved big boobs and wanted to be with busty ladies. I dated B and C cups but always wanted bigger. It didn't make me treat them any different, we had fun, but I wanted the enormous racks I saw in magazines and VHS tapes. I'm married, my wife knows I like huge boobs and that's okay. We should only feel guilty if our boob love leads us to do wrong things, and even then it's not the faukt of the boobs.
Not in the slightest. I have always loved big boobs and wanted to be with busty ladies. I dated B and C cups but always wanted bigger. It didn't make me treat them any different, we had fun, but I wanted the enormous racks I saw in magazines and VHS tapes. I'm married, my wife knows I like huge boobs and that's okay. We should only feel guilty if our boob love leads us to do wrong things, and even then it's not the faukt of the boobs.


I've had a little rejuvenation in my enthusiam about big tits. They're great!

Like a few have exposited on, I'm a little miffed by the way big breasts are seen as a comical or juvenile obsession, but I also like being an undercover tit lover.

But you're right. Never blame the tits, it's society that's wrong!
The only time i feel any sort of way about it is when we actively throw an unwilling regular ass woman into our world. I can’t imagine some regular ass chick finding out that there is a 300 page thread of guys jerking off to and talking about her tits. Then i look at some of the amazing shit we find and im fine again.