Recent encounter at work



I work in an office bldg. like many do and had a really nice big breast encounter about a week ago. I was running a little later than normal to work one morning. After I started walking toward the bldg.'s entrance from the parking lot, I took note of a lady walking from the other side of the parking lot to the same door. I could tell from that distance she was carrying some large breasts. She got to the door before me and held it as we went in. We walked past security and got in the same elevator. She got off on a floor before me. She was a white lady guessing early 40s and 5' 5", wearing a pullover blouse and jeans. She was avg (not real thin but not fat) and had a flat butt in those jeans. Her orbs were some of the biggest I have seen. You could see the lines of her bra under the blouse, bulging of the cups, and no joke they were below her waist even with the bra. Since then I have been taking note that she comes in late morning and leaves late in the evening...maybe to avoid crowds. She also drives a minivan :) I am a black guy and would like to strike up a conversation with her in hopes of knowing her better. Any suggestions cause damn I get turned on every time I see her?
Yeah definitely try to be around when she is entering/exiting and hold the door for her always. NEVER let her catch you staring at her tits.

Instead, compliment anything else. If she is holding a coffee tell her how much you love that brand. If she is wearing an accessory (hat or scarf) tell her that looks so good on her.

Eventually maybe you can find out where her desk is. Then you can compliment her music, her favorite restaurant or whatever the hell else shitty thing she is into just so you can work your way into her world. :D
Thanks for the suggestions. If I see her tomorrow, I hope to find out if she wears a wedding ring. Gonna suck if she does then I will know that some other guy is fondling her balloons :(
Well here it is Wednesday and I have not seen her or her van in the parking lot this week :cry: I will keep holding out hope that I will see her again.
jim80 said:
I will keep holding out hope that I will see her again.
"A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success."
- Elbert Hubbard

Here another week has gone by and I did not have another encounter. Did notice her van in the parking lot though when I left. Still holding out hope :)
Well guys after days of no interaction with her, today seemed to start something good. Noticed her van was already there at work when I got there this morning. When I went downstairs to the break area for a late lunch, I almost flipped out when I saw her alone at a table. I got my lunch and asked if I could join her. She said absolutely so I sat down :D Her name is Joan and we chit chatted about work for a while when I noticed no ring on her finger. Found out that she is divorced and has 5 kids :shock: I so wanted to ask her for a date but thought it was just too soon. Said she works virtual (from home) one day a week but said she enjoyed the conversation and told me to join her for lunch again soon. OMG...just when I was about to give up on her. It was a struggle to maintain eye contact with her. When she got up to leave, she was actually tugging at her bra to make adjustments :shock: Even though her butt is flat, did notice she had a slight wedgie with her slacks. Will keep you guys updated :D
You the man Jim! I remember your story about that chick at your bank that you hooked up with. Whatever happened to her?
Way to go Jim!!!

please keep us aBREAST of this situation! And good job on the maintaining eye contact thing! Remember, eventually you can start complimenting her hair, makeup, nails, shoes - anything BUT her tits.

And if you find out what kind of music she likes, you will have to start liking the same music too and learning all of the songs (even though it will probably be shitty music - what is it with all chicks liking shitty music these days??!)
Hey guys. I took a day off last Friday but did get a chance to eat lunch with Joan again last Thursday. She worked from home today so I plan on seeing her at lunch again tomorrow. She seems to be opening up more. Last Thursday, she did get on the subject of dating and if I dated very much. I get the impression that she does not. So tomorrow I plan to ask her out :D She was dressed up more than usual last Thursday for some mtg. She was wearing slacks instead of denim jeans. Her flat ass looked good in those but her mams looked so amazing :) One of you asked about an earlier experience I posted here. Her name was Cathy and we dated for a good while. Very nice lady but she ended up moving closer to her mom. Cathy was taller, had a better ass, and some big tits but I'm thinking that Joan has larger cups. Really hope to find out soon!
Well guys I have ate lunch at work with her for the past two days. We got on the subject of our kids again today and she said she was open to me coming with her to her daughter's volleyball game tomorrow night :) I accepted and she said we would go grab some dinner on the way. Sounds like her daughter will be with us but oh well guess it's a start. Will keep you updated on how it goes :)
Well I just got back from an outing with her. She wanted me to meet her at a fast food place (Wendy's). I showed up and she was there with 2 of her daughters. The older one who plays volleyball is 15 and looks to be taking from her mama's genes. Guessing she was easily a C if not D. Anyway, we ate and I rode with them to the match. Sat with her and her youngest daughter in the bleachers. Her team won. We got to talk quite a bit during the game and I asked her for a date on Saturday. Unfortunately sounds like she and a girlfriend already had plans but she offered Sunday :D Of course, I said yes. She also said that a friend could watch her youngest kids while we were on a date (so hope that means we will be alone). Her daughters talked a lot to me so hope that means good news for me. All I could do was to keep from constantly staring at her bulging blouse :oops: I did take note that guys definitely notice her big assets. So hoping that we get some alone time this weekend :)
Honestly, if she's introducing you to the kids at all, it sounds like you're totally in. That said, please make sure you like her for the person she is, not just for the set of tits she has. There's nothing wrong with enjoying big titties, but being a single mother is hard and if she's introducing you to her kids then she's certainly hoping that you'll be serious about her. If you get her hopes way up and then dump her once you've gotten your titty fix, she's going to HATE you afterwards.

So please keep that in mind. Dating a single mom with big tits can be great. Trust me, I married one and now I'm part of a happy blended family (including a kid of my own) and it's great. This includes the fact that I get to regularly stick my face into a pair of 34L's (no exaggeration, that's her actual current cup size). But loving my wife and having a good relationship with her is way more important to me than having a good relationship with her tits. So be sure that you really have feelings and don't lead her on if you don't.

Thanks for sharing your story with us!
Good work Jim! It won't be long now. You mastered the secret to getting women: walk up to them and talk. The hardest part is keeping your eyes above the blouse!
You're livin the dream Jim! Good luck with Sunday Funday! Don't even try to ask her to watch football - 95% of women can't stand it. You'll have to record football instead.

By the way, do you still think her tits hang to her waistline? HOT!
Good luck today, we're pulling for you!
Guys thanks for the replies. I met Joan at a nice restaurant yesterday evening for dinner. Has been raining here a lot so she was wrapped up with a raincoat on. I did take note that it would not zip or button due her chest size :) Anyway, we had dinner and talked. Then we decided to take in a movie so she rode to the movie with me. Not much conversation during the movie of course :( Afterwards, she had to head out to pick up her kids so I dropped her back off at the restaurant. Said she enjoyed it and said she looked forward to another date. Unfortunately, I got an erection while we talking in the car :x We got out of my car, hugged pretty tightly, and then got in her car and left. Was hoping my excitement did not turn her off :( She is not very tall and I am pretty tall so part of her boobs were against my man part when we hugged :shock: Yeah her tits do come down to her waistline with the bra on :D When she had the raincoat off, I could see a very wide bra band on her back that was positioned just above her waist. I did eat lunch with her at work again today. She said she enjoyed the dinner and hoped we could do something again this week :) Taking it slow but hoping to make progress
Jim, you are definitely making progress! Sounds like she's opening up to you, and is certainly comfortable with being alone with you. She probably wants it just as badly as you do!

You're living the most exciting part....that moment where you're just waiting for your 'green light' with confidence that it will soon come.
Had lunch at work with Joan again today and I actually came out and asked her if she would be open for dating. She said 'I most certainly would be'. :D She seems to be so easy to talk to now. Her daughter has another vball game tomorrow night and she asked me to tag along again. Look forward to spending time with her but can't wait for the opportunity to be alone with her more :( Maybe we will be able to do something this wkend. Of all things...tonight while I was at the fitness center here at my condo complex, a lady of Indian descent came in to use the treadmill. She had 2 kids with her (guessing 5 to 7 yrs old). Anyway, she had a huge set of tits (thinking they were as big as Joan's). She had multiple bras on and they were sagging below her waist. Her nipples were big too, looked like the size of thumbs. I got a noticeable erection and had to leave. If Joan does not work out, I will keep check on this lady. :)