why the change in how the pics are showing ?

I'm wondering why the format has changed where the heading of the picture is blocking the pic ? It's not an improvement and I hope it's just temporary. I didn't find any mention of this change on the forum
Unfortunately, it is a result of a software upgrade issued by Xenforo.

Now, from what I understand, it is a Beta version. So, hopefully (as you are not the only one complaining about this), it will be "fixed" on the next release.
Thanks for your quick reply. I'm glad to hear it will be fixed. Do have any idea when ?
Oops. Sorry for the delayed reply. But, since you did not quote the post, I just stumbled across it now.

Now, I did not write, It will be fixed. I wrote, Hopefully, it will be fixed.

But, since it is a software issue, and if not a serious bug, it may be a while before we see a fix, if at all. Even if they do get it out of the Beta version.

Much depends on the complaints by the registered owners of the software.

One thing I do not care for, is when adding more than 5 images, the Preview strings out to the right, instead of dropping to the next line. I find this more irritating that the weird previews.