Share your favorite titfuck blowjob vids!

I have no doubts about this topic, the best titfuck was, many years ago, by Yolanda Haskins.She had soft boobs, made for titfuck....An angel fallen from heaven that some shitty hustler bastard made her die. I hope this, or those bastards committed suicide. ok. Ciao . :(
I used to jack to her VHS videos and photos in magazines. Loved the one where she was squirting out milk for 10 minutes before having sex with some skinny White guy pretending to be a bra salesman. (I think that's what the plot was. My best memory is of Yolanda's lovely, milky brown boobs. And how she enjoyed masterbating while suckling them.) Before her, Vanessa Del Rio was my fantasy woman.

OMG...Yolanda was taken advantage of and died in a tragic way? I would look up the details, but it will only make me angry and sad.

Thank-you for rekindling some really good memories. (y) Allen in Chicagoland
I saw drug overdose
Nice Thread
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