Cassandra, aka Cass - A busty dark-haired twitch girl

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Also just saw this new tiktok or her showing off a before and after you can really tell how much smaller her tits are now really a fucking shame and what a waste she could have made so much money if she started an OF well time to move on i don't think i'm gonna post anymore of her stuff from now on


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Crazy thing is she's gained 2k more followers. Must be the BR crowed applauseing her.

I guarentee it was a guy who first put it in her head to have her breasts reduced. Guys are always trying to control women, either trying to convince them to gain so much weight that no one will want them or convincing them to have surgeries to look more like the guy the BF secretly wants. Some women can't see the obvious. When a guy says lick my ass, stick a finger in there, and follows it up with your boobs are too big it's quite obvious he is pretending to be straight. If you have giant boobs find a man who will appreciate you for it.
no way in hell was a guy, she complained about back pain for years, big titted girls always struggle to find clothes, then her friends wear nice clothes she can't fit in, she looks like a bit of a freak considering how big her tits are, etc.
my goodness, I really she sees this thread so she can laugh at like 80% of you. Its not the end of the world lmao theres plenty of women out there with big titties. Hers are still big lmao. Seeing mfs write paragraphs in disappointment is comically crazy
no way in hell was a guy, she complained about back pain for years, big titted girls always struggle to find clothes, then her friends wear nice clothes she can't fit in, she looks like a bit of a freak considering how big her tits are, etc.
"she looks like a bit of a freak"?
Thread locked.

If there is any new content, contact a mod and we'll reopen for it to be posted.

As it stands, there is no point keeping the thread open for people to argue back and forth about this.

What she does with her own body is her own business and no one needs to hear anyone's frankly unhinged hot take on it. Eric69
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