Grabbing your wife/GFS tits?


Active Member
Apr 18, 2021
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How often do you grab your partners breast? How often are you trying to get a look at them in the flesh?

I love staring at my wife's when she is walking around in a shirt without a bra. She can be a pain about showing in the flesh after two births these days but I love grabbing them daily. Just curious where others as obsessive as me stand
Some of my boyfriends only touch them during sex, while others fiddle with them all day long: in front of the TV, when I'm doing the dishes, when I'm cooking, when I pass by them in the hallways, ...
Constantly. In bed, driving, cooking, ubering, movies. Although it's when our bodies are next to each other. I dont just reach out in front of me at a restuarant and squeeze lol. But my gaze certainly fixates there.
Usually during sex, however I’m not the one who tries to get a squeeze in with every hug.

I have seen people who pose for pictures and will reach around and squeeze the girls boobs in the photo. I find that very disrespectful
as often as I can. With little kids that makes it harder, they see everything and say it lol. As for naked see that often and the wobbling around in the big t shirt even mre often :)

my oldest is going to chase wifey back into wear a bra more, im ready to strangle her lol
I'v been told off so many times in the past years so I just don't do it anymore. Lucky you guys. Enjoy as much as you can...
Every night in the shower , her ass and everything else as well.
I look at them and grab whenever I can get my hands on them. Not in public but I can’t get enough of them
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Daily. I've groped my wife grabbing her breasts from behind I jokingly let her know we have a marriage license that permits my acces to them at any time. She gives me an eye roll but knows I'm a boob guy and we both know that her tits are a big part of our sexual interests. She's good with it as my profile probably shows.