Red 10 & 11


Author Elite
Sep 29, 2011
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Red 10

Red woke just before dawn,
refreshed, and aware still of Aaron's
unexplained absence, but strangely feeling
relieved of the dilemma. She stood looking
out the window as the sun flirted coming up to the horizon,
and wearing a simple button down, she slipped it
off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She stood
tall and erect, her shoulders back, fulsome chest out, and
derriere pointed slightly out and up, as if in a mood to welcome
visitors from behind. Indeed she was, for the thought
flashed in her mind..

"I'd love to have someone to fuck
right now," she thought. Derek had left and gone home,
presumably. Melissa was nowhere in the house.

She picked up the phone,
and although it was only 6:30 in the morning, called
Derek. His cell rang and rang. She closed her cell and
washed her face in the bathroom. She pee'ed. The phone
rang. Derek. "Why are you calling me," he said, as if
whispering. "I thought I could use you right now," Red said, cutesily.

"I'm with Melissa."

"Well that shouldn't stop you, it didn't
before...," Red said.

Derek grunted.

"Come over, it's okay. I want you," Red said.

"I'll see what I can do," Derek said and hung up.

She took a shower and thought
about what to do about Aaron's SUV parked out front. She
was hoping by some miracle Aaron would call her cell
to let her know he was alright, but something quiet and deep
inside told her he wasn't alright at all and moreover,
she might never hear his voice again.

Red 11

With Derek to arrive in a few minutes, Red wondered
about Aaron's car outside. How to explain it to Derek?
What if he asked, "Where's Derek?" She had no answer.
She did think about calling missing persons, 911, police, the
authorities. But just couldn't. She didn't know why, but something
told her - there just wasn't any need to. And besides, the thought of
Derek's big throbbing organ inside her, relegated thoughts of Aaron,
for the present, to a subsidiary position.

She quick donned a satiny knee-length robe, sans panties and bra.
She won't be needing them, she thought. Her already erect nipples caused
points to appear into the material. She tried to look composed, and answered
the door for Derek minutes later.

In seconds she had him supine on her couch and inside her, throbbing
and thrusting his way deep towards her upper abdomen. She didn't want it to
stop. She liked looking down at his hard stomach muscles and seeing
the root of his thick shaft disappear inside her. She loved how he stared
at her tits and liked it when he'd told her how he hadn't realised how big and full
she was.

And then as they were still fucking, the strangeness hit her
like a heavy thunder cloud, obscuring the sky
and she felt her consciousness begin to ebb. She felt the distinct feeling
of something inside her... could it be my clitoris, she wondered, but it wanted
to come out of her. It wanted to emanate from her. She then had the peculiar
feeling, despite her sudden grogginess, that inside her, it had managed to wrap
itself around Derek's shaft. The thought and the sensation sent an electric bolt
straight up her spine, as both she and Derek violently engaged into a romping orgasmic
seizing of each other.

As Derek dressed, he asked, "So did you see him off okay?"

"Aaron?" she asked.

"Yeah, he said he was going on some 2 week hike in Arizona.
He told you, didn't he? He told me he might not, just to fuck with ya."

"Ahh, yeah, he mentioned something quick about it. I guess he left okay. He's pretty quiet about those sorts of things."

"Dumb sonovabitch. Said he was doing it alone. Taking a bus out there. Leaving his car here."

"Oh....well...I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Probably get himself killed."

After he left she took her robe off and lay back down on her couch, naked, assured Melissa
was still at Derek's, and her other roommate, Shannon, home to visit her parents.

She suddenly felt exhausted from the night before and Derek's visit minutes ago.
As she drifted to sleep, her hands migrated to her breasts. They were indeed feeling
larger and heavier lately. Her double D bra cups had been feeling more challenged lately, for the task.
Then her fingertips drifted down to her opening, yet moist and goo-like and entreating of her fingertips.
Moments later, inside, she felt the tiny clitoris like tendril come out of its pocket and gently entwine itself around her finger. When she tried to withdraw her finger it seemed at first that it would not let go, until it finally relaxed.

The next day, at work, in a meeting in her classroom with another faculty member,
an older man who seemed to hesitate not in the least while glancing at and sometimes even blatantly looking directly at her ample bust, she felt the thing inside her stir, and
elongate itself and twitch, and she was sure, without even having to check digitally,
that it had ventured outside of her labia, during their conversation, into the open space of the confines of her silk panties.

When he left, she sat down exhausted into her desk chair, and the tendril slinked
back into itself inside her. She pondered the recent chain
of events - Aaron, the cave, his disappearance, Derek, the strange tendril's wrapping itself around him -
its appearance just now into the world, and none of it made sense. She felt
powerless to do anything about it.

At the same time though she could not disregard the eerie but powerfully
feminine and dominant sense of depravity it was arousing inside her,
and in a distant but distinct way, she felt the tendril was now communicating with her, to cause
her somehow to attract the bold, gazing faculty member back into her office, so that It
could have him. She didn't know how It wanted him. And then she wondered, still, where was Aaron?