
Start on the erotic review.com

Then go to Eros.com

If all else fails use backpage
If going to the Los Angeles, California area, check out


A great thing about this site, is that the girls have to go there in person (or send proof of identity). So, wysiwyg. Only once, did I ever see a stock photo there. And, when I reported it, the ad was removed immediately.
dave2 said:
Start on the erotic review.com

Then go to Eros.com

If all else fails use backpage
Yep. TER is one of the top rated provider review sites in my book.

The downside to Eros, is that they use too many stock photos. And, bait and switch.

With the backpage, be sure to go to the Dating section, as the Escort section has been censored out. :evil: