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  1. groffi

    On relativity

    Totally by accident, and for scientific reasons only, I swear, I stumbled over this article: Interesting reading... but what raised my interest was the relative sizes and their...
  2. groffi

    The future of Dora

    I'm hoping to get some feedback on this, so instead of putting that into the main thread, I'm asking here. I'm sitting on the next installment right now... going slowly, but steadily. I don't want to end it here, or now, and especially without some sort of conclusion... but I'm really...
  3. groffi


    While going through my posted stories again, I noticed that some words got censored. This seems to be a new developement... as I remember, it posted quite fine in the first place. When did that start? What is the reasoning behind it? And, most important questions: what system do you use for...
  4. groffi

    FICTION - Dora, A love story

    Disclaimer: I am not the author of the first 16 chapters of story. It was published several years ago on the now defunct german forum "Brustverein". I don't even know the name of the author anymore... if he happens to be a member here and recognizes his story, I would be glad if he would contact...
  5. groffi

    Groffi tries to morph

    (Sunday, sick, 39° fever, alone at home... what is a man to do than tinker?)