Saslassie, the Story - Part Two


Author Elite
Sep 29, 2011
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The story that follows is complete fiction. For pictures of the shapely woman
who inspired this tale, and some of her beguiling thoughts as well, see her thread at:

SASLASSIE, the Story
Part Two

t was that hour before waking, as her consciousness slowly began to stir, when her thoughts and dreams were their most risque, their most lascivious, as the inner filters to proper behavior lay dormant. She was thinking, still well half asleep, but also, a bit awake... Oh I have such a hot little cunt. It's so tight, so craven, so wanting. Vixenish. Hungers for cock. I can barely control it. Should I feed it with my fingers? Will that satisfy it? Or maybe get my toy out, that one that needs batteries. No! My eager little cunt deserves better. It wants real cock, throbbing-hard man cock. Leaking its squiggly salty ooze out of its tiny hole on top, to feed it, into me, so I can swallow it all up. Oh how I like to make that top engorge and then shoot, all for me, all because it, and its owner worship me, want me, crave me, can't get over how big my tits have gotten, wants to fuck me sideways, and front and back. I wonder if Timmy has a good cock. Sometimes these wiry thin types are so well hung. Or Roy. Older. Would he have the stamina for me. He might come too soon, seeing how he's been looking at me lately. Doesn't seem as much a boobhound as Timmy, though I have caught him a time or two staring right at my tits. I had him in the other day for coffee. I'd forgotten my 36KK black bra was hung in the bathroom. Is that why he took so long in there. Well, he knows my size now! Some men can't handle it, especially boobhounds, discovering how awesomely humongous I've developed. They've never been with anyone beyond double D or at most, triple D; and then they come across me, which for a boobhound must be like freakin kryptonite. Double freakin K. Bras with cups as big as dinner plates. The little obsessed bastards probably cream their pants thinking about me. They masturbate and they come, thinking about me, shooting all that creamy jit out of their cock....

And then she woke!

She hesitatingly touched her cunt lips. Soaked! Jeez! What was all that she'd been thinking? Roy? Timothy? Their cocks? No time for that! What brought all that on anyway? "I'm NOT that kind of gal," she remonstrated herself. She had to get her day going, shower, breakfast and so on. Her hot voracious little cunt would just have to wait. For later maybe. When she could think. When she could glance at the dressing mirror and see for herself how huge her big heavy titties have actually become lately. "They're a fright to me even!" she thought. "Oh some hard hot cock is what I want... Stop that!" she chided herself. But another voice whispered to her, out of nowhere, which she realized was in fact, her pussy, saying, "I'm going to have what I want you know, sooner or later, you might as well just give in... ." "No!" she shouted. "I'm a good and proper gal." "Yeah, fine, be whatever and whoever you want. Like I care. I'm going to get some throbbing hard cock shoved in me, again and again, and you'll be thanking me then, yes you will Lassie." "Oh just shut up," she said weakly and got out of bed to get her day started, not unmindful of her departure from the bed causing her heavy juggs to sway back and forth.

And then, only a few seconds later, as she was stepping into the shower, feeling her big tits jiggle some more, she'd remembered it had indeed felt so good the other day to have Timothy observe and see her big hard pointy nipples. "The lad needed to see them though," she thought. "He needed to see what his uppity, snobby fiance lacks and can't give him. And he needs to know that someone like me exists who can make his cock twice as hard as it is around that spoiled bitch, Connie. Otherwise, he'll spend the rest of his life disappointed, in despair, and lost. And what a waste of an otherwise wonderful life that would be. Can't let it happen!"

Finally she was able to shelve all those thoughts and get on with the day. There were more serious matters to attend to than her huge KK tits and the men she was slowly and gradually enslaving to her wants and needs, whims and desires. What better fun could be had than making men her little puppies.

When she was 16, her stepdad started looking at her, and her double D fulsome bosoms, strangely, weirdly, and after he tried to assault her early one morning while her mom was still asleep, the only choice was to either kill him or run away; thankfully she chose the latter. The boyfriends she'd had after that all failed on one common matter, namely, Respecting Her, and Everything about Her, but as her cup sizes increased, she found more and more she could compel that respect, when she wanted to, from her men, simply by the awesomely erotic powers of her own confident personality combined with a growing set of knockers few women could compete against.

Now at double K, and a little older and much smarter, she found she could have men however and whenever she wanted. It was that simple.

The stepdad, though long divorced by her mom, had recently called her out of the blue. She hadn't seen or heard from him in years. He wanted to meet, to make amends. She was feeling charitable. Alright, she said. Her own real Dad had died of a long illness when she was quite young, and so Jeff, for better or worse, was the closest thing she had for a father, even though he'd been a jerk to her, forcing her to leave the house when she was still young.

They met at a coffee shop downtown. She didn't know why she was doing it. It was crazy! "Why give the man the time of day. He's not worth it!," she thought.

She wore one of her longtime 36KK bras, red, which had seen better days. And a snug red rather gripping long sleeve sweater, the first thing she pulled out of the drawer.

He was his usual self, just some years older. A bit frizzled looking, weathered, slight growth of a salt and pepper beard, pretty much full head of badly cut though short salt and pepper hair, squarish face, brown eyes, button down work shirt, faded jeans, hiking boots. Still, despite all, there seemed something sincere in his countenance. Maybe she shouldn't be so tough on him. So what if he couldn't help himself that long ago morning when she had to fight him off like a cat scratching and biting lest he succeed in the liberties with her he so craved.

They sat at a booth, one of a handful along the wall, she facing the front window of the shop, and because the tables were so close to the seatback, and because the bra was no longer the most comfortable she'd ever worn, what choice had she but to revert to the most comfortable position, which was to splay her bust on top of the top surface of the table. Why should she be uncomfortable? He already knew she was busty, though she was but 16 then, and the fact she had roughly doubled the size of her breastbosom size and weight since then, did not overly trouble her mind, till the pre-ordering small talk, and then as their food arrived, how could she not notice him staring, like he used to when she was only a teenager, at her breasts... a thing her mother lacked, a thing he seemed to have a want and craving for, still.

Hadn't he learned, in all that time. She looked down briefly at her unusually large double K bust lying on top the tabletop. The young waitress had glanced there when serving their food. Oh my. The worn red bra was so worn, her nipplearium was showing. No wonder this grizzled middle-aged failed stepfather and failed husband was staring at her tits.

"So why are we here?" she asked, when fully tired and bored by the small talk he was painfully trying to make.

"I want to make amends, that's all."


"And, well, I want us to be friends, too."

"Some things in life are impossible, Jeff. That's one of them."

"Oh come on. Give a man a break."

"You don't need a break, you just need to continue to be out of my life."

"I'm sorry for what I did, honey. I was wrong."

"Don't call me honey, okay? And just forget about being in my life."

"I just want to make amends."

"You want to make amends?"


It was broad daylight, there were customers at various tables, waitresses were buzzing around,
the seat bar was about full with patrons, the place was as busy as it gets. And Jeff, despite his wanting to "make amends" was still unable to keep glancing at her powerful bust splayed on top of the tabletop. Lass's plate had to reside off to the side, to accommodate her unusually large breasthood.

"Well, then, you can come."


"No Jeff, I mean, cum, with a 'u', not "o"."


"Uh huh, right here, right now. Shoot it all right here under the table onto the floor."

"You're crazy."

She moved her head forward, to indicate she wanted him to move his forward too, so she could whisper, and he did, and this is what she whispered...

"You keep rudely staring at my big tits, Jeff. You want to make amends, well then, you can start by jerking yourself off underneath the table and shooting yourself all over the floor here."

He pulled his head back and said out loud, "You mean right now?"

She nodded her head yes, up and down, slowly.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because I'm telling you to."

He looked around. Both his hands went under the table, and he was sitting far enough forward to close any gaps between his stomach and the table top. His arms were moving some, and then she could tell his right arm was slightly moving repetitively, while his left arm remained still.

She took in a deep breath. She slid back, letting her bust fall and resume its normal position, covering her chest from the top of her sternum down to her waist. She enjoyed how much bustier she'd become since the last time he saw her. He probably thought she was big then, compared to her mother. Hell, that was nothing. The guy was obviously a boobhound - a kind of man she didn't even know existed when she was 16 - but he's probably never been this close to a woman as developed as I've become, she thought, watching his arm repetitively move in the same motion, over and over, as his eyes began to water and become bloodshot, while his breathing increased, and his gaze began going rapidly back and forth from her face to her chest and back again,.

She wanted to see the skin on his face turn white, and then red, as he came, and spurted his cum, right there in public, here, amongst all these people, as he shot all his jit onto the floor. Basically, she liked this feeling of being in charge of him, of controlling his lust, as per her power, and her direction.

After it was obvious, after he was through, to anyone seeing him, that he'd just orgasmed, and had thus spent himself, in public, onto a linoleum floor, where he then had to sully the table napkin with the residue from his own jit shot, after which, she simply stood, said not a word, looked at him with a sense of pity, took hold of her small purse by the opening, and walked out of the shop, but not before seeing the young waitress approach the spent middle aged man now in the booth by himself, to ask, "Is everything alright, sir?" The waitress was blushing. "Fine, fine," said the grizzled guy, waving her away impatiently.

Outside, once in her car, she found herself breathing deeply, and looked down and noticed how big her nipple impressions were pushing into her snug red sweater, despite the fact a bra lay between them and it. She couldn't believe she'd just done what she'd done. The feeling of the power she'd wielded was so palpable, she wanted to finger herself right there. But it could wait, she thought. It could wait. Before turning the ignition though, inside the park garage, she did put her palms on the outer periphery of each side of her large bust, it hovering over her thighs, and squeezed some, only a little. Lord, she thought, feeling their heft and size, "How did these fuckers get so friggin big." She thought of Jeff, cumming underneath the table at the restaurant, his face white and then so red, and how she abruptly stood, and left him there without ceremony, in his weakness, feeling pity, and a little disdain for his patheticness, sensing there, in the car, her cunt moisten and tighten, and her clit suddenly hard and erect, while she looked down towards her thighs and saw her nipple impressions sticking out a half inch.
Now that's very cool. Andersenn is writing the story of the "book" and saslassie the actual star is decorating it with the relevant photos. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's a first!!!
@andersenn and @saslassie are making TiT an even greater place! Thank you to the excellent Writer and the perfect Muse! :emoji_clap: :emoji_heart_eyes: :emoji_muscle::emoji_hugging:
It is for sure a somewhat unique situation; much credit must go to Saslassie, for her, umm, inspiration, and i'm honored to write about this
classy, developed, ladywomangirl here on the site