Anyway to make a Sideways reaction tab?

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Yessir, that weird member rants are just BLAH I was joking when I asked but I'm now seriously wondering if there's a way to create one for your reaction to post or comments that don't really make you feel yay or nay just BLAH
Sorry. My timer went off, and I had to go wait for the dishwasher (I do not use the Drying cycle, and I have some reusable straws that can melt; there is no way to turn the Drying cycle off, so I have to watch for it).

Hmm, now we do have the :( and :mad: emojis in the Reaction. Wouldn't one of these work?

However, those no longer effect the score of the member.

But, for problems with posts, including Off Topic, or other rants, probably submitting a Report would be the best way to bring it to our attention.

Now, if still interested in a Confused Reaction emoji ( :confused: ), I can run it up the flag pole to da boss.
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Thank you sire, salute
Er, so do the other Reaction emojis work for ya? And, submitting a Report.

Or, do you want me to run it up to da boss?

Like this? lol

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