Cassandra, aka Cass - A busty dark-haired twitch girl

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Damn really hope it's just a April fools joke cause it would be a shame if she actually had a reduction she's one of my favourite's from this site and from tiktok i think it might be a joke cause she's never complained about back pain ever plus she's been posting pics and vids in bikinis and showing off her tits so much these last months i really hope it's just a stupid April fools joke.
I feel the same and this honestly came out of nowhere. Kinda reminds me to other TikTok girls that seemed happy and confident with their body and then showed with a BR next day. She does strike me as the type of girl that would do this joke lol
New bikini pics nothing new about a reduction hopefully it was just a April fools joke


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What makes yall think it’s a br? It could literally be anything
She talked about getting a reduction in one of her IG Stories, went into great detail about why she was getting it, and seemed very sincere about it, even though it was April 1st went she made that post.
sure if they want to get sued and fired. That other guy may need a break from all the porn because why would they do that??
No, it's a real thing. There are plenty of surgeons who (with consent, face redacted) have before/after pics on their website to show prospective clients what can be done.
No, it's a real thing. There are plenty of surgeons who (with consent, face redacted) have before/after pics on their website to show prospective clients what can be done.
exactly with CONSENT and FACE REDACTED and at that point she might as well upload it herself and if she hasnt done anything close to nude content before that certainly wont change now
exactly with CONSENT and FACE REDACTED and at that point she might as well upload it herself and if she hasnt done anything close to nude content before that certainly wont change now
Bro what. A lot of girls on here get br and let the docs post before and after. You have no idea what ur talking about. Sabrina Romana had hers posted and she never did nude anything.
Bro what. A lot of girls on here get br and let the docs post before and after. You have no idea what ur talking about. Sabrina Romana had hers posted and she never did nude anything.
Sabrina pre br pics were found??
I think it’s very likely she got the operation given that she hasn’t posted even a story since Thursday :/
Oftentimes I find these girls don't have a sense of scale when it comes to what is still "big". Saying you're getting a breast reduction and will "still be massive" seems delusional, it's just not going to happen and if it did there wouldn't be a point in taking the operation in the first place.

I also imagine that if she is getting it due to "Postural tachycardia syndrome" that she is going to go down as much as is reasonable to support her health. If not perhaps she will double down when she realizes that being out of breath when you bend over is something that tends to happen when you're overweight and drink caffeine all day - regardless of where the weight is situated.
Yeah i agree with you i really doubt i really doubt her breasts are still massive after a reduction just seems delusional otherwise there wouldn't be any point to breast reduction especially since it's because she claims it affects her health really stupid this one getting a reduction she has never posted anything complaining about her tits,her back or any health problems before also she's always posting pics and vids showing off her tits and like you said being out of breath when you bend over is something that tends to happen when you're overweight and drink caffeine all day, all this time without posting it's clear she had a reduction and now doesn't want to post any pics right now also probably has some horrible scars on her breats this is a real shame she was one of my favourite girls here more and more getting reductions nowadays what a fucking shame.
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